Sunday, January 4, 2009


Politics At Last Mission or PALM
God's Commands are POLITICS not religion. This is exactly what God means in POLITICS MISSION and his gifts in PALM - Politics At Last Mission and Ephesian 4:11. Palm (handling of things and circumstances) and Politics or God's Command - in five digits - thumb and four fingers with the five gifts namely prophecy (religion), apostles (social relations/society/families), pastors (economy), teachers (education) and evangelist (sports & leisure) in accordance to Ephesian 4:11.
Many of us are involved with these activities of missions also known as the Great Commission and Creation Mandate but done in the misguided perspectives or understanding for centuries.
So we need to do a lot more reading and prayers in the Bible - the only book full of treasures of knowledge for a better world to live.
Joshua Kong Renaissance
"So Christians should not feel that economics is outside the domain of Christian thinking. If anything, we need to recapture this arena and bring a strong biblical message to it."

For Politics At Last Mission or PALM, we would need funds to accomplish this eternal mission to bring glory to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Would appreciate if you can help by doing the following:
Account Name: Kong Yun Chee @Joshua
Current Account No.: 100930010001223
Bank : Alliance Bank - Luyang Damai Branch
Code: 12-10093
Swift Code: MFBBMYKL
Letters & Cheque to
P. O. Box 11923, 88821 KOTA KINABALU,
Telephone: 6088 247823 Fax: 6088- 247823

God’s Commands are Politics

The triune God breathed into Adam and obedience was the command,
Sadly obedience was broken, the glow of light on body was lost,
Devastatingly naked as exposed and groping in darkness as refuge,
Misled more with many man made foolish religions as deception,
Surely God's love forever, as in his image and spirit in His Word,
Assuredly His love in Word as Jesus in the flesh at Christmas,
Sacrificially His love goes more when Jesus was to die in love
Ironically the love repeated in foolishness by some in martyrdom,
Praise God's sacrifice in Jesus for us as final for all purposes.
Daily worship God not Moses in accordance with Ten Commandments,
Joyfully worship Jesus as the way, truth and light on earth once,
Maturing in the Fruit of the Spirit a true pilgrimage on earth,
Regaining the glow of redemption in the true light in Garden Eden,
Apprehensive of the final Judgement as seated in the right or left,
Separated by our salvation in Christ as clothed in light or darkness,
Undoubtedly as salt and light we go on with Politics mission,
Fulfill five gifts of religion, economy, society, education and sports,
Accomplish the great commission and creation mandate in politics.
Joshua Y. C. Kong of Borneo 25 Dec 2008


  1. JK's Digest No. 3 of January 2009 (3 of 2009) What solution for Israel and others?
    Many are thinking of doing whatever to force Israel and USA to stop working together for 60 years since 1948 after the British in its appeasement trick set up a new nation Jordan in the biblical land for the Jews who are believed to be the chosen race of God.
    God is not an issue here in Israel as the conflict is not religion, not race, not politics, not economy, but it is about the land of Gaza and West Bank in the Middle east.
    How many wars had forced Israel to be defensive? The most famous one is the 6 days war in 1967 when a few hundred war jets of the Arab world were down. Do you know why?
    The Egypt and Israel had to sign a peace treaty under the President Carter.
    This time Israel is also in defensive but made to look offensive over Gaza after Israel was under attacks of 10,000 and more rockets (not reported in world press) for a couple of years already.
    What is the intention of Hamas to send those rockets into Israel? Hamas like Iran want to drive the Jews in Israel away from there in sort of "reclaim the land" lost to the returnees since 1948.
    Would the Arabs and Hamas ever succeed in this effort?
    What are the consequences of these massive attacks on the people of Palestine? Since it is not a problem of religion as there are also Christian people in Palestine. But the big picture is that Arabs and Muslims would not likely accept Jesus Christ as their saviour and yet they decided to occupy the land where Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem in Gaza under the control of Hamas.
    The other problem is that Jesus Christ must be glorified as it was the Jews who crucified
    Jesus Christ, hence the people in Israel has to learn the hard way for a solution every one is looking for.
    Why so many nations including Malaysia and Indonesia are so worked up over the conflict in the biblical land? Is it because of religion when religion is not an issue in the land of conflict? Who are now playing with fire for their own destruction?
    Why are many Arabs countries only playing up with lips service when America continues to support an ally there? The oil industries are very dependent on the America technologies and the banks are controlled by some groups in the USA, hence any untoward developments towards Israel can lead to backlash for those countries who want to implement their physical effort against Israel.
    Why do you think the Palestine people want to continue to be near Israel despite all the conflict for 60 years without any solution? The Palestine people also do not want to live in peace there under one nation but split into Gaza and West Bank.
    So the only solution for the conflict to stop and other nations sympathetic to Palestine no longer with an excuse in agitation because of religion, it is for the Palestinians to leave for the Arabs world such as Jordan (no such nation in biblical time) so that land of the Bible is back to the original people to make peace with Jesus Christ.
    Which is easier - for the Jews to make peace with Jesus Christ or for the Muslims to do that? So the solution is there for a peace in the world without an Armaggedon.

    This is also an article of POLITICS-AT-LAST-MISSION [PALM] and my new website

    Joshua Kong - LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or
    rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004 or GREAT GRIEF.

    . .......GREAT - updated with Court details


    tid=313213&pid=18998994&page=1&extra=page%3D1#pid18998994 (The
    Authority - open to all including visitors)
    GREAT/fmalaysiaforeverfrm2.showMessage?topicID=610.topic [Malaysia
    Forever] for GREAT GRIEF.
    be-good/fmalaysiaforeverfrm2.showMessage?topicID=609.topic (JK for PM)
    tid=313208&pid=18998942&page=1&extra=page%3D1#pid18998942 (local
    politics - reading level 2)

    >>> International Criminal Court migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ (dead??) (active) (active)


    .... for MIGS

    >>>>; (deleted) .......GREAT - updated with Court details .... Renaissance .... Politics in Sabah etc.

  2. I want to write a book on this but resources and time not permitting right now.

    I need the support of people who shars this idea.

    Joshua Kong
